Actors & Actresses (Ranked & Reviewed)
Transcribed directly from an audio recording
Awards season is in full swing with the 2020 Academy Awards and BAFTA Film Awards premiering next month. The Golden Globes and a plethora of other smaller awards shows have been scattered in between. As such, I wanted to take a look at MY favourite actors and actresses of all-time. This list is controversial, to say the least. As some of you know, I’m a huge fan of cinema. In fact, it’s my favourite hobby of all-time. My current collection includes over eight thousand films from the last one hundred years.
I initially wanted to compile a top ten list which would encompass both actors and actresses but there were simply too many to not consider for the list. With this in mind, my list will include the top twenty-five actors of all-time as well as the top ten actresses of all-time with a few honourable mentions and a quick note about each. For fun, I also included what I consider to be their finest performance of all-time as well as a list of actors and actresses that I appreciate that didn’t quite make the list at the end. As a side note, there were many non-mainstream actors and actresses that I did not include on this list simply out of a lack of public recognition or fame. I do consider lesser-known actors and actresses in my all-time favourites list but haven’t included them here.
Who are some of your favourite actors and actresses of all-time?
Honourable Mention is Ethan Hawke (Boyhood).
Ethan Hawke is an underrated actor. He’s been in the game for a long time and started acting at a young age. He deserves credit and given that I enjoy a majority of his films, he deserves to be mentioned here. His performances in Training Day and Boyhood are perfect examples of his excellence.
Honourable Mention is Michael Fassbender (Shame).
I really wish there was more space on this list for Michael Fassbender. He has to be one of my favourite actors working today. He can lead a film and he can also produce excellent supporting roles. He’s truly underrated in my opinion and he definitely deserves to have a mention.
Honourable Mention is Jude Law (Cold Mountain).
If this list was written in the nineties, Jude Law would have been in the top ten. I love Jude Law. He’s a versatile actor and he’s cemented himself as one of the best in the business. He’s still at it providing solid performances, mostly in supporting roles these days, but there’s no denying that he has the goods.
Honourable Mention is Sam Rockwell (Three Billboards Outside Ebbing, Missouri).
Sam Rockwell has been in the game for a long time. I still remember his first bit of acting when he played a street thug in Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles. He’s come a long way since then and lately, he’s provided many exceptional performances. He seems to be a highlight at each year’s award shows and he’s garnered quite a bit of positivity for his acting. Ever since his role in The Green Mile, Sam Rockwell has continued to elevate his game. He can now be considered one of the best working actors today.
Honourable Mention is Tom Hanks (Philadelphia).
Tom Hanks is a solid actor. Most can agree that he rarely turns in a bad performance. I personally can’t think of a film of his in which I don’t enjoy his performance. He is liked by many and has a great reputation in the industry as one of the nicest guys ever. He has received praise from his peers and truthfully, I’ve never met anyone that didn’t like Tom Hanks as a person or as an actor. While he doesn’t quite make my top twenty list, he definitely deserves a mention.
Honourable Mention is Harrison Ford (The Mosquito Coast).
Harrison Ford is iconic. He is Han Solo, Indiana Jones and Rick Deckard. Some actors have the privilege of gaining notoriety for one iconic role. Harrison Ford has gained massive notoriety for three major roles as well as countless other box office successes. He is a genuine film star and will go down as one of the greatest leading men in history.
Honourable Mention is Leonardo DiCaprio (The Wolf of Wall Street).
LDC is a great actor. He’s been acting since he was a young child and ever since he hit the big screen in 1989, he’s turned in many iconic performances. He’s a film star, bottom line. He’s one of the most famous actors of all-time and he plays the part well. I like Leo. I think he’s a solid actor. My only issue is that he stars in what I consider to be too many films. For every solid performance, he puts out a few that aren’t his best. Leonardo DiCaprio is a prime example of actor saturation. This, however, doesn’t diminish his acting skills. He is definitely a good actor. His recent performance in Once Upon a Time in Hollywood was some of the best acting I’ve ever seen.
Honourable Mention is Andy Serkis (War for the Planet of the Apes).
Andy Serkis is best known for his performance capture roles and many consider him the master of that particular field of acting. He’s been critically acclaimed and has received a plethora of awards for his many performance capture roles. The popularity of performance capture wouldn’t be the same without him. He’s had an incalculable effect on cinema. He is the standard to which all performance capture should be compared to. He is excellence incarnate.
Honourable Mention is Jim Carrey (Ace Ventura: Pet Detective).
Jim Carrey is typically known for his comedic performances. His career in 1994 was beyond outstanding. I included him in a previous list regarding my all-time favourite comedians but there is no denying that Jim Carrey is simply a brilliant actor. He surprised many people when he took on more serious roles in the late nineties. He proved to the world that he is not only a genius comedic actor but also a great dramatic actor as well. Jim Carrey is a great entertainer, period. He can dance, sing, act and has even showcased his talents with art and other extracurricular activities.
Honourable Mention is Joe Pesci, Jack Nicholson, Al Pacino, Robert De Niro (Goodfellas, One Flew Over the Cuckoo’s Nest, Scarface, Raging Bull).
I love these guys in almost everything they touch. They are legendary actors. All four have produced solid performances for decades. Unfortunately, they didn’t make my top twenty, but I still consider them the best of all-time. Al Pacino, Robert De Niro and Jack Nicholson will be forever remembered as the best, bottom line. They are all featured on many best-of lists and I think everyone can agree that acting wouldn’t be the same without them.
Number 25 is Jared Leto (Dallas Buyers Club).
Jared Leto is an occasional actor as he spends most of his energy with his rock band, but when he does decide to bless us with a performance in cinema, it’s without a doubt a brilliant example of acting. Jared Leto is selective in what he chooses to work in and we typically get him in a film every five years or so, but with that, no two roles of his are identical. He is completely transformative and this is his greatest skill. He completely dedicates himself to the role and is unbelievably convincing as the characters he portrays. He lost an insane amount of weight for his role in Dallas Buyers Club and also gained an excessive amount of weight for his role in Chapter 27. He is definitely one of the best even though acting isn’t his primary occupation.
Number 24 is Shia LeBeouf (Honey Boy).
Shia has come a long way since Even Stevens. He’s matured as an actor and recently his performances have been emotional, gritty, charismatic and serious. I appreciate very much that he was able to transcend his Disney child acting days as well as his turns in giant blockbusters like Transformers. He’s become quite an actor these days and frankly, I am not reminded of his past work when I see him on the big screen. He seems like a completely different person and a completely different actor. Personal controversy aside, Shia’s choices to work in critically acclaimed indie films have really helped him become one of the best. There’s no doubt that Shia is a phenomenal actor.
Number 23 is Val Kilmer (Tombstone).
What more needs to be said about the great Val Kilmer? If this was the nineties, he would certainly be in the top five. He was on fire in the early to mid-nineties and produced some of cinema’s greatest performances. Watching him in something like The Saint shows you first hand his amazing acting talent. I am beyond sad that Val Kilmer lost his voice a couple of years back. Given that he was known for his accents and characters, I find his situation tremendously difficult. Cinema lost a great talent. I appreciate that Val is still acting and even made an appearance in the new Jay and Silent Bob film. He hit a little bit of a rough patch about ten to fifteen years ago in regard to his choices, but his past roles more than make up for the fact that it’s obvious that he’s a great actor.
Number 22 is Anthony Hopkins (The Silence of the Lambs).
The man, the myth, the legend. Anthony Hopkins is iconic. Many agree that he’s not only one of the best actors, period, but he’s also terrifically talented and an exceptional guy all around. He has been revered by many in the business including Brad Pitt and there’s no doubt why he will go down as a legendary actor. He often makes many top ten lists.
Number 21 is Bradley Cooper (A Star Is Born).
Bradley Cooper will undoubtedly make my top twenty list soon. He is a phenomenal actor and I truly think he’s one of the best leading men and greatest contemporary actors today. He deserves much credit and to certainly be mentioned here. He reminds me of Hollywood of yesteryear. He’s cool, suave and brings an insatiable amount of charisma to his roles. He, no doubt, has brilliantly illustrated his acting chops many times.
Number 20 is Tom Cruise (Jerry Maguire).
I love Tom Cruise. I have raved about him in countless articles numerous times. He is genuinely the last true film star of our time. What I really appreciate about Tom is his unwavering commitment to entertain the audience in whichever way possible. He has proven this time and time again with his death-defying stunt work and consistently good performances. On top of his brilliant work as an entertainer, he is also a terrific dramatic actor. He has proven many times to the world how great he is. Personal controversy aside, he is one of the greatest stars of all-time and I would argue probably the most famous person in Hollywood, period.
Number 19 is Heath Ledger (The Dark Knight).
We lost Heath Ledger at the worst time. He was well on his way to becoming one of the greatest actors of all-time. There is no doubt that he would have continued to push the boundaries with his performances. He was a diverse actor with spectacular judgement with his acting choices. When I watch The Dark Knight, I don’t see Heath whatsoever. He completely disappears into the role. I truly wish that we were able to see a more comprehensive career of performances. With this said, however, his current filmography is still plentiful with wonderful pieces of acting.
Number 18 is Benicio del Toro (Sicario).
Benicio is another solid actor that produces excellent performances in almost any film he’s in. He has received countless accolades and awards for his roles as well as praise from his peers. He is a critically acclaimed legend. I enjoy his films and his performances more than most other actors. His delivery and cadence are what I find the most convincing about his acting. He takes his time and makes the audience invest in his characters. He is definitely one of the best living actors of all-time.
Number 17 is Robert Downey Jr. (Chaplin).
RDJ has become universally famous for playing Tony Stark in the Marvel Cinematic Universe. He is the grandfather of the MCU and many can agree that the MCU wouldn’t be the same without him in it. He is a perfect casting choice for Tony Stark. With this said though, he is a phenomenal and emotionful actor. You could tell in the eighties that he was destined to be one of the greats, but his personal life took a dive in the nineties which drastically affected his career. He was able to rebound back and was accepted back into Hollywood which is a relief. He has turned in countless performances ever since which showcase his natural acting talent. He definitely is one of the most convincing emotional actors ever. His facial expressions and tone really help to consistently sell the emotion of a scene. Even from an early age, RDJ was considered one of the best. He was nominated when he was only twenty-six for the Best Actor Academy Award. He will no doubt go down as one of the biggest stars in the world.
Number 16 is Brad Pitt (Inglourious Basterds).
Brad Pitt has been in the game for a long time. In the nineties, he was known as a heartthrob and a popular leading man. He gained worldwide recognition quickly and alongside Tom Cruise is definitely one of the most famous celebrities in the world. What I like most about Brad Pitt, however, is the fact that he has evolved as an actor. His work recently has been without a doubt his best. Each year, he seems to provide legendary performances that showcase his natural appeal to audiences and his acting talent. His films in the past ten years have all been terrific for the most part. He is Hollywood royalty and it’s no secret why. He transcends his heartthrob reputation and has proven many times that he can act with the best of them.
Number 15 is Christian Bale (The Fighter).
Christian Bale is a committed actor. His commitment to roles is legendary from his excessive weight loss and weight gain to his unbelievable transformations into his characters. Christian has been around for a long time and has been acting since he was very young. It is obvious that he has mastered his craft. He has received critical acclaim for many of his performances including several accolades for his acting talent. He is not only one of the greatest actors currently working in Hollywood, but he is known by many as the definitive Batman of all-time. His tireless dedication to his craft is spectacular. His peers all agree that he is brilliant in what he does.
Number 14 is Javier Bardem (No Country for Old Men).
Javier Bardem is a joy to watch. Although English is not his natural language, he is a mesmerizing and convincing actor. He hit it big in the early two-thousands and is regarded by many as a top-tiered actor. He continually displays his acting talents in many great performances. He has range and charisma and this makes him one of the best contemporary actors of all-time.
Number 13 is Joaquin Phoenix (Joker).
Joaquin is definitely one of the most non-Hollywood actors in the world. He is unconventional in almost everything he does. Acting is so natural to Joaquin and what is most impressive is his choices in films. He’s selective and this has done him well. He’s also an actor that has been around for some time. His first major film role was in SpaceCamp in 1986. He really hit his stride as Commodus in Gladiator and has been turning out excellent performances ever since. His selective process allows us to see the best of him. I appreciate very much that Joaquin is committed to his integrity as an actor and as a person. He definitely does not fit the Hollywood star mould which is definitely a positive thing. He is seemingly awkward in public at times, especially on late night television or awards shows, but most can agree he is one of the best. He has been awarded and lauded by critics and fans all over the world.
Number 12 is Edward Norton (American History X).
Edward Norton has truly never turned in a bad performance. He’s committed and works tirelessly at his craft. He is also selective with his work and has proven his talents as a writer and director as well. He is one of the most convincing and passionate actors around. He has a natural knack for acting and has been blessed with amazing acting skills. He holds his own with the best and has done so in almost every film he’s been in.
Number 11 is Kevin Costner (Dances with Wolves).
Kevin Costner is a legend, and while I don’t think he is the most diverse actor in the world, his performances add gravitas to every film he’s in. He’s the anchor. When watching his films, you will notice that he elevates the mood and the emotion in each scene he’s in. When acting with others, it’s obvious that he is the better actor. He steals the show often and I like this about him the best. His career was iconic in the nineties with many starring roles but lately, his filmography has gotten even better with many old and wise characters that add profound wisdom and dignity to the films he’s in. He is without a doubt one of the greatest film stars of all-time.
Number 10 is Robin Williams (Mrs. Doubtfire).
I cannot praise Robin Williams enough. I truly and definitively believe that Robin is the most underrated talent of all-time, even with the ridiculous amount of praise he already receives. He can do anything. Known for his silly public persona and his over-the-top comedic style, he is the best of all-time to many, including myself. I was incredibly sad to hear that he had passed in 2014. We lost Robin too soon. Robin Williams is a brilliant actor, bottom line. There is no denying that he literally could do it all. He was abundantly convincing in dramatic roles, natural in comedic roles and literally could act in any film you put him in regardless of the topic or plot. He will forever be the G.O.A.T.
Number 9 is Denzel Washington (Training Day).
Denzel Washington, come on. He’s a champ without a doubt. He can portray any kind of character and has proven this countless times. His performances have been praised for years. Truthfully his filmography speaks for itself. Try to find one performance that isn’t legendary or iconic and you’ll be stuck. I love Denzel Washington as an actor and he’s on my personal list of people I’d really enjoy meeting.
Number 8 is Johnny Depp (Edward Scissorhands).
Is there any doubt that Johnny Depp is on this list? He is insanely popular around the world for his countless characters. What I love most about Johnny Depp are his unique and memorable characters. His seemingly familial connection to Tim Burton has produced many iconic characters, each with their own outfit, personality and traits. Johnny has been kicking ass in Hollywood for years with brilliant performances. He is not only a brilliant character actor, but he’s also a star. He’s noted for his kindness to children and his appreciation for fans around the world. He is also a skilled musician.
Number 7 is Sean Penn (Milk).
Sean Penn is legendary. He is another actor that has been around for decades. He’s evolved as an actor and is one of the most decorated and accoladed actors in the world. He is considered by many as a top-five actor of all-time, period. He can write, direct and act beautifully. It’s obvious that he has mastered his craft with performances in films like Milk and Mystic River.
Number 6 is Charles Chaplin (Modern Times).
Charlie Chaplin is my favourite all-around entertainer of all-time. His profound influence on cinema is beyond obvious. Cinema wouldn’t be what it is today without his influence. He was innovative, creative, passionate, and ultimately quite perfect in everything he did. He was born to entertain and that he did. With a filmography of over seven hundred and sixty-seven titles, he definitely eclipsed many. He was a do-it-all kind of guy that wrote, directed, starred in and composed music for most of his films. He co-founded United Artists and is held in high regard to this day, years after his passing. He received an Honorary Academy Award in 1972 for “the incalculable effect he has had in making motion pictures the art form of this century”.
Number 5 is James Dean (Rebel Without a Cause).
There is no doubt that if James Dean lived past his twenty-fourth birthday that he would have been considered the best of all-time. He had limited years of activity in Hollywood and only produced a handful of films, but with this said, his performances in each of his films is amazing. Many still regard him as one of the greatest actors of all-time and he is still continually mentioned sixty-five years later. He is iconic and has been commemorated in many places in Southern California and around the world. It’s hard to go anywhere in Hollywood without seeing James Dean’s picture.
Number 4 is Marlon Brando (The Godfather).
He is considered by many as the greatest actor of all-time. He has been revered by many Hollywood actors including the best around. He changed the way it was done and is regarded for his notable and obvious influence on 20th-century film and acting as a whole. He is credited as one of the first actors to refine and bring method acting to mainstream audiences. He was suave, charismatic and unbelievably charming. He was one of the highest-paid actors of all-time which I think he more than deserved. He has been designated as “Actor of The Century” and also listed on the “100 Most Important People of the Century” list. Many of his peers rave about his acting talent and some of the best actors and actresses in the world have mentioned him as the best of all-time.
Number 3 is Tom Hardy (Bronson).
Tom Hardy is simply a phenomenal actor and strongly deserves to be in my top three of all-time. He is loved by fans around the world for his many entertaining films but more importantly his diverse acting. He has mastered transformation beautifully. You will often notice a completely different accent and appearance in each film he does. He ceases to be Tom Hardy and becomes the character. I can’t think of a single film of his in which I don’t appreciate his choices as an actor. He is a leading man but can also act brilliantly. Since his massive surge of fame in 2012 with The Dark Knight Rises, Tom has continued to put out hit after hit and he keeps going. If you want a prime example of his wonderful acting, check out Locke. This is an eighty-five-minute film with Tom Hardy in a car for its entire duration talking on the phone. Brilliant, period.
Number 2 is Daniel Day-Lewis (There Will Be Blood).
Daniel Day-Lewis is probably the most selective actor in history compared to what is offered to him. He chooses wisely and that he sure does. This means that every performance he produces is wonderfully planned and prepared for. There simply isn’t a film in which his acting isn’t legendary. He takes acting to the extreme and utilizes method acting to the full extent. He stays in character for the duration of the shoot including his private time. This level of dedication allows him to exceedingly deliver the best performances in acting the world has ever seen. He is the only person to win the Academy Award for Best Actor three times. He is, bar none, the greatest method actor of all-time and arguably the best actor that’s ever lived. His filmography is limited, but each film is a gem including his iconic performance in each of them.
Number 1 is Gary Oldman (True Romance).
Gary Oldman is without a doubt my favourite actor of all-time by far. I remember in the mid-nineties seeing films and enjoying certain performances only to realize that he was the person I enjoyed in all of them. I discovered quickly that Gary Oldman was an actor’s actor. He completely disappears into each performance. His look, accent, and mannerisms all change. Truthfully, I hardly recognize Gary Oldman as a real person when I see him in interviews because he’s so different in his films. There are no two performances alike. All his performances are completely different. He is the best ever and many top stars have hailed him as the greatest of all-time including Brad Pitt, Tom Hardy and Christian Bale. He is consistently discussed in threads and blogs as being the best ever and there are continual debates online regarding if he’s the greatest. In one poll I saw, ninety-one percent of people concurred that he was the greatest out of over thousands of votes. Gary Oldman is a chameleon, period.
Number 10 is Julianne Moore (Still Alice).
Julianne Moore has proven multiple times that she has mastered her craft. She has received an Academy Award, two Golden Globes and a plethora of accolades proclaiming her skills in acting. She will go down as one of the most influential actresses of all-time. Like Kevin Costner, she is the anchor in most films. She adds gravitas to each scene she’s in and she only gets better. I truly hope we get to witness many more outstanding performances from her.
Number 9 is Robin Wright (The Princess Bride).
I like Robin Wright. She’s a solid actress that provides excellent performances in films and television. Her performances in films like Forrest Gump and series like House of Cards are iconic, and who can forget about The Princess Bride. She is an utterly convincing actress and certainly considered by many as one of the greatest. She performs well as a supporting character or as a lead. She is versatile and always produces a phenomenal performance.
Number 8 is Sienna Miller (American Woman).
Sienna Miller more than deserves to be on the list. She is usually in supporting roles, but she more than holds her own with many of her contemporary’s. She’s especially great with films featuring Bradley Cooper. She is a chameleon and completely disappears into the roles she’s in. She’s another prime example of an actress I barely recognize when I see her in person. The average person needs reminding that it is, in fact, her in a specific role. This is a great compliment to her and this diversity suits her well.
Number 7 is Kathy Bates (Misery).
Kathy Bates has been kicking ass for years and has turned out consistent performances for decades. She has over one hundred and twenty-five acting credits to her name and I doubt that you’ll be able to find a bad performance. Although she isn’t in the limelight often, I truly regard her as one of the most underrated actresses of all-time. She is the backbone of many films and her acting talent is undeniable.
Number 6 is Meryl Streep (Kramer vs. Kramer).
Meryl Streep is considered the greatest actress of all-time by most. She is without a doubt the best. She holds many records in the film industry for her amazing work including twenty-one Academy Award nominations, with three wins and thirty-two Golden Globe nominations, with eight wins. She has more nominations and wins than any other actor or actress, period. Well known for her accents and versatility, Meryl Streep is an easy argument for the best ever. She has also been the recipient of several lifetime achievement awards as well as the Presidential Medal of Freedom, The Cecil B. DeMille Award and is also a Commander of the Order of Arts in Letters bestowed to her by the government of France.
Number 5 is Jodi Foster (The Silence of the Lambs).
Jodi Foster has been in the business since she was three years old. She is without a doubt one of the finest actresses of all-time. She has been accoladed time and time again for her performances including two Academy Awards, three Golden Globes, three BAFTA Awards and the Cecil B. DeMille Award. She has been well regarded for her acting talent since her early teens and since then has provided us with countless examples of brilliant acting.
Number 4 is Glenn Close (Fatal Attraction).
Glenn Close is legendary, bottom line. What can really be said about Glenn Close that hasn’t been said a million times? Many consider her to be one of the greatest actresses of all-time. She’s been awarded heavily for her craft. She will go down in history as one of the greatest actresses of all-time. Her filmography speaks for itself and after receiving decades of terrific performances, she still manages to bring her A-game to everything she does. Have a doubt? Did you know that the male pirate in Hook that gets chastised by Captain Hook is actually her? Most people don’t and this is a prime example of her acting brilliance.
Number 3 is Jennifer Lawrence (American Hustle).
Jennifer Lawrence could be considered the greatest contemporary actress ever. She is relatively young compared to most on this list, but this hasn’t stopped her from providing the absolute best we’ve ever seen in acting. She more than holds her own with many other brilliant actors. Her performance in American Hustle at the age of twenty-three is beyond incredible. The cast in that film is top-tiered and she more than fits in. She will no doubt continue to produce wonderful examples of acting for years to come. JLaw is one of my favourites and I love seeing her in almost everything she does.
Number 2 is Michelle Williams (My Week with Marilyn).
It can be argued that Michelle Williams is the greatest actress currently working in the business. She has evolved significantly from her days on Dawson’s Creek and has turned out excellent performances ever since. Her most recent roles in the past decade or so have been critically revered and she has been tremendously accoladed for them. I love Michelle Williams and truly think that she is one of the best, if not, the best actresses ever. There is no doubt that she will continue to provide wonderful performances for years to come.
Number 1 is Cate Blanchett (Blue Jasmine).
Cate Blanchett is my favourite actress of all-time, by far. I don’t think, in my opinion, that there is a better actress that has ever lived. She is the greatest, bottom line. She is the recipient of numerous accolades including two Academy Awards, three Golden Globes, and three BAFTA Awards. Cate has been mentioned on countless lists featuring the best of all-time and many can agree, including her peers, that she is beyond excellent.
Appreciated Actors/Actresses
Bryan Cranston
Allison Janney
Ryan Gosling
Judi Dench
Jake Gyllenhaal
Frances McDormand
Hugh Dancy
Sally Field
Jon Hamm
Sissy Spacek
Jeff Bridges
Susan Sarandon
Benedict Cumberbatch
Michelle Pfeiffer
Christoph Waltz
Judy Garland
Ralph Fiennes
Rene Zellweger
Ryan Reynolds
Barbra Streisand
Paul Rudd
Chris Pine
Anjelica Huston
James Franco
Helen Hunt
Michael Keaton
Uma Thurman
Jackie Chan
Jamie Lee Curtis
Gene Hackman
Willem Dafoe
Philip Seymour Hoffman
Matthew McConaughey
Woody Harrelson
John Malkovich
Kevin Spacey
Sacha Baron Cohen
Jason Isaacs
Ben Foster
Rami Malek
Colin Farrell
Idris Elba
Jeremy Strong
Dustin Hoffman
Robert Pattinson
Jeremy Renner
Cliff Curtis
Viggo Mortensen
Mickey Rourke
Bronson Pinchot
Tom Sizemore
Michael Caine
Kelly Preston
Christopher Walken
Adam Driver
Clint Eastwood
Nicolas Cage
Kate Winslet
Giovanni Ribisi
Kenneth Branagh
Natalie Portman